Social distancing guidelines

  • Higher emphasis on being outdoors
  • Parents will not be allowed into the venue other than to a registration perimeter for contactless registrations
  • Staggered breaks and lunchtimes where facilities don’t allow multiple groups


Increased levels of hygiene

  • Parents encouraged to provide their children with personal hand-sanitiser
  • Staff will have and be expected to supply hand sanitiser to those who don't have.
  • Staff and children to wash their hands, either with hand-sanitiser, or at wash-basins, each time they enter and exit the site
  • Stringent hand washing policy that includes before and after each activity session, breaks, lunchtimes and after toilet breaks
  • Staff responsible for regular hygiene reminders
  • Where direct contact occurs; for example, tending to First Aid; staff to wear protective gloves, mask and wash hands afterwards
  • Internal doors to be kept open where possible, especially for sports halls, toilets and changing rooms
  • Adapted and restricted activities that involve touch
  • Daily cleaning of equipment by our staff
  • Parents encouraged to provide pens, books etc for their child to use during less-active sessions
  • Regular cleaning of high-touch facilities by SportyStars staff (in addition to regular facility cleaning by venue




Providing specific supervision

  • Staff to supervise hand-washing for under 8s and monitor over 8s
  • Staff to be vigilant about signs of infection and follow government guidelines for responding to infection



What happens if a child shows signs on Covid 19 during camp?

All members are asked to declare that their household is showing no signs of Covid-19 symptoms prior to attendance. If staff spot signs of Covid-19 and will isolate the child, in our isolation room and call their parents for collection. We will provide reminders of the government guidance when showing symptoms




Guidance for parents and carers of children attending holiday camps - Click here


Danny Lewis - Level 3 - Safeguarding Lead Certificate (Covid - 19) - Click here


SportyStars Covid 19

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Sporty Stars
Sporty Stars
Sporty Stars
Sporty Stars